Acne Treatment by Amoils

Sunday 13 May 2012

Targeting Those Trouble Spots

Wouldn’t it be great if you could get rid of that excess fat on your stomach or tighten up those hips and thighs? How many times have you tried diet and exercise to target your trouble spots only to see slow or no progress? How many people do you know that have been down that same path, probably multiple times?

Having worked with hundreds of individuals, mainly women, the two things that I found with almost every client was that they ALL had specific areas of their body that they really wanted to change.

For some it was the back of their arms and for others it was their rear end. And the second thing is nearly all of those people also felt it was impossible to achieve their goals. Oh, I forgot to mention, there was a third similarity among all those individuals…SHOCK! Shock when I told them not only could they flatten their stomachs, lose their love handles, thin out their thighs, and get rid of the flab on the back of their arms, but they would do it with just 15 minutes of exercise just three times a week!

You are probably finding that you are just like the people I’m talking about. People are constantly looking for the quick fix to get rid of their problem/trouble spots and often never find out there is a “secret” method that does work, and not only does this secret method work, but it’s EXTREMELY effective!

So by now you’re probably wondering what this secret is, right? The “secret” method for eliminating those trouble spots is a technique I like to call “BLASTING”. Before I tell you what it is and how it works, it’s important that you understand a few basic principles of how the human body responds to exercise.

The reason most diet and fitness programs fail to deliver the desired result is simple; they aren’t progressive! Part of the blame can be put on the so-called “experts”. Have you ever heard or read anywhere that exercise needs to be progressive? If so, you are one of the few. And even still, the rare few out there often fail to emphasize the importance of it and often don’t explain it in a way that is simple and easy to understand.

So let me give you my explanation and show you why it’s the most important factor when it comes to exercise, especially when you’re really trying to make big changes in those trouble spots.

Progressive exercise means forcing your body to work a little bit harder each time. That doesn’t mean you have to build up to doing 60 minutes of aerobics like many people do, nor does it mean you should try to keep piling on the weight on the strength training exercises.

You just need to challenge the body with a stress that is strong enough to force the body to make improvements. You can do this in so many ways but here are just a few:

For strength training

  • Increase resistance
  • Perform more reps
  • Move the weight slower
  • Add an additional set
  • Use static holds
  • Change the exercises

For cardiovascular exercise:

  • Go faster
  • Increase workout time
  • Incorporate intervals
  • Use an incline (if possible)
  • Cross-train (change activity)

If you are unfamiliar with some of the techniques I mentioned above please visit the FREE Resources page of my website http: //www. achieve-fitness. com. Again those are just a few of the hundreds of ways to keep your workouts progressive.

Let’s say that you are really trying to tighten and tone your hips and thighs. Rather than waste your time on the inner/outer thigh machine week after week, you should incorporate some of the techniques I described above and use with caution my BLASTING technique which I’ll cover now.

Just as it sounds you are trying to really shock the muscles into making large improvements in a short period of time. Normally you would strength train a muscle group once or twice a week at a moderate to hard intensity level. When you are trying to BLAST an area you train it more often, perform more sets and reps, and with higher intensity.

Here’s a sample strength training program that uses multiple techniques combined over a 5 week period for a BLASTING effect on the hips and thighs:

Workout A

  • Leg curl
  • Leg extension
  • Glute machine / raise

Workout B

  • Leg press (wide stance)
  • Hamstring bridge
  • Wall sit

Workout C

  • Stationary lunge
  • Leg curl (no rest to next exercise)
  • Squat








Upper Body

A Lower Body

Upper Body


B Lower

2 sets 15-20 reps

C Lower

1 set – slow 8-12 reps

B Lower

3 sets 6-10 reps



A Lower – moderate workout



C Lower – 2 sets 6-10 reps slow


A Lower – 3 sets 10-15 reps


B Lower – 4 sets 10-12 reps


C Lower – 2 sets 12-15 reps








Upper Body


A Lower Body


Upper Body


B Lower

2 sets 15-20 reps


C Lower

1 set – slow 8-12 reps

B Lower

3 sets 6-10 reps




A Lower – moderate workout




C Lower – 2 sets 6-10 reps slow




A Lower – 3 sets 10-15 reps


B Lower – 4 sets 10-12 reps




C Lower – 2 sets 12-15 reps

This is just a quick example I just came up with off the top of my head and it may not be right for you but I just want you to get the point. You need force change. The human body doesn’t like it… it disrupts things. I should also say that techniques like this should NOT be uses often as you can quickly and easily over train and that does not help you meet your goals.

If you apply just some of the techniques I talked about you will be sure to see some noticeable if not dramatic changes. Just remember, work hard and smart!

If you would like to learn more about BLASTING or progressive exercise please give me a call at 240-731-3724 or email me at jesse@achieve-fitness. com

Click here for more information

How To Get Rid Of Acne Scars Fast-a

Wednesday 9 May 2012

Get Rid of Pimples at Home

I am sure almost everyone can relate to the story of getting a pimple on the day of a special event such as a wedding, picture day, meeting, date etc . For some people this maybe their whole life story having to deal with the unruly pimples busting all over their bodies and faces. However , how many pimples you have is not the issue. It is finding a solution to exonerate those unwelcome visitors.
Here I have added several homemade recipes that have being used for a while and many confirm their effectiveness when it comes to getting rid of blemishes.
Egg White: When your pimple is just starting wash your face as you normally would and with cotton swab apply to the affected area.
Got Soap? Make sure you wash your face several times a day. This can be done with soap or your favorite facial wash. The skin of your face is very sensitive so , the only trick would be to keeping it clean. This tip also includes maintaining dirty hands away from face, not going to bed with makeup etc .
Toothpaste: Apply a dab in the affected area and leave on overnight. On the next day rinse out and proceed as usual.
If you have severe acne problems where no remedies have helped then, I suggest you visit a dermatologist. A professional will be able to determine which products or methods will be best for your skin type.

Click here for more information

How to Get Rid Of Acne Scars

Thursday 3 May 2012

Beware of Acne Cyst! Take the Precautions Necessary:

People are exposed in many elements outside and inside their homes. In a world today wherein pollution is abundant, many things arises specially the skin problems. The unhealthy habits usually cause problems in skin. Skin is the largest organ in the body and serve as the protective layer of the system that is why it is a responsibility of each and everyone to take good care of their skin since the skin is one of the first factor that affects your image.
During the puberty stages, the common skin problem that occurs is the cyst acne that is usually found on a person's face, some cases of shoulder, chest and back cyst acne. In this stage of every individual, the sex hormone which is the testosterone triggers the sebaceous glands. The clogged pores that contain sebum-secreting sebaceous is threatening. The sebaceous glands contain sebum which is the substance that makes the skin oily and greasy. With this, skin cyst blemishes and pimples sprout and considered as one of the major factor why acne appears. It is a fact that acne cyst can cause emotional problems but it is important that you know that there’s worst from that and that is the development of cyst. Clogged pores that swell with sebum can rupture and spread to adjacent areas causing local infections, consisting of pimples and zits. These blemishes can then enlarge to form cysts
Acne cyst doesn’t appears to teenagers only but also to adults. The adult acne cyst gives bad complexion that may cause you to lessen your confidence to face people. Based on researches and studies, the severe pimples can cause severe cyst acne. Open and closed comedones, pus pockets and rose red areas of the skin are the common symptoms of cyst. It is abundant on face, back and chest.
Cyst is acne that can be easily identified because of its symptoms. So if you see simple sign of acne you should take the necessary precautions to treat it and don’t let it develop into cyst. Prevention is always better than cure. Have your hygienic habit as always. It will help you a lot if you wash your skin few times a day in order to get rid of excess oil buildup. Doing this will keep your skin clean and will prevent clog pore and cyst. Always think that the habit of picking at your blemishes may lead to cyst. Of course you don’t want that to happen that is why refrain from doing that to avoid getting the worst problem. It is true that cyst sometimes leads to cancer.
In every problem, there is always a solution. For you to prevent having cyst cause by acne, you should take the things needed. There are the presences of the cyst medication. It is a practical idea if you take the natural remedies to your problem. There are different treatments, both prescription and over-the-counter, that can be used in your cyst treatment. There are also cyst medications which is non-prescript remedies. Drugs stores usually have these remedies in the form of ointment, lotions and treated pads that you can apply to your face and body.
But the healthy type of the medication is always with the help of a dermatologist. With their professional skill, you are able to determine the type of treatment you need. Research and talking with your dermatologist will help you a lot. Together, the two of you can find the perfect solution for your cyst condition. The sooner you find your ideal treatment, the sooner the threat of acne can be eliminated. Don’t worsen your situation by having medications that is not advised or permitted. Always ask the professional help of the dermatologist.

How To Naturally Get Rid Of Acne - At home natural acne treatments

Get Rid of Melasma Applying Melanin Inhibitors Combined with Biological Glycoconjugates that Activate the Regenerative Processes of the Skin

Normal cutaneous pigmentation is due to the biosynthesis of the pigment melanin made by cells called melanocytes and the donation of melanin in melanosomes (organelles within the cells) to surrounding keratinocytes, which are those cells in the upper surface layer of the skin. The rate of melanin synthesis is determined by intracellular enzymes, the best characterized of which are tyrosinase, and the two tyrosinase-related proteins (TRP)-1 and TRP-2 or DOPAchrome tautomerase.

Normal pigmentation of the skin develops in response to exposure to UV radiation or sunlight. When irregular and abnormal spots appear on the skin, they are called melasma. And while melasma literally means dark skin (in Greek), and it is best known as the "mask of pregnancy" for it is more frequent among pregnant women, you don´t have to be pregnant (or even a woman! ) to develop melasma. And if you think you´re silently suffering alone, think again. An estimated six million women throughout the U. S. are affected by this distressing, albeit cosmetic concern.

The dark patches occur because the same melanocyte cells that provide pigmentation to protect us from sunlight increase in number and produce higher amounts of melanin, causing the skin to turn tan or brown in irregular patterns.

Melasma is most often exemplified by chunks of uneven dark skin on the face. These off colored spots tend to appear on the lips, forehead, or cheeks. Some causes of melasma could include genetics, oral contraceptives, hormonal changes, and excessive sun exposure but dermatologists can't completely pinpoint the reason why they show up. And although it is a very typical cosmetic skin affliction, and there is no universally accepted reason why they show up, it is considered very hard to treat.

Melasma Treatment The most common treatments for melasma include chemical peels, laser surgery, and bleaching skin agents. Bleaching agents and sunscreens can be capable but they are not a guarantee to reduce the spots.

These melasma treatments can minimize the spots but curing is something drastically different. Sometimes if melasma sufferers are fortunate, the patches dull with time but if not, aggressive treatments need to be imposed in order to return the skin to normal.

Sun exposure is the biggest culprit of melasma so sometimes it is just as easy as covering up in the midday sun.

Dark Spots. The melanin in the skin absorbs the sun's UV rays in order to screen the skin from excessive radiation exposure. Covering yourself with high SPF factors found in sunscreens can help obstruct the rays from infiltrating the skin. All successful melasma treatments use sunscreens since even after the spots are erased, sufferers need to apply protection in order to prevent re-occurrence.

Skin Bleaching products should only be used under stringent medical supervision. Skin bleaching can take a few months to show signs of distinct difference. In order to get the desired results, one needs to be aggressive in the application of the bleaching agent.

Bleaching agents work best on individuals with lighter skin tone. Doctor's need to give the authorization for any skin bleaching treatment due to the fact it can deteriorate the melanin production and could stimulate a cancerous reaction.

Melasma Laser Removal. Hardcore cases of melasma can demand chemical peels or even plastic surgery methods. Chemical peels can be attractive since they get rid of the upper layer of the skin and trigger the replacement of the burned cells with new cells. Healing time can be substantially less than the 6 months to a year needed for topical methods. But chemical peels can char the skin which actually markedly adds redness and infections and can yield an undesired thicker skin texture.

Laser resurfacing can expunge the spots but this is a major medical treatment. Increased redness and scabbing are possible side effects of this treatment.

These are reasonable options, but why not pick a treatment that won't sear your skin or impede melanin production?

Fortunately there is now a breakthrough topical treatment option that can hasten the quick reduction of melasma.

The new skin care option combines three novel ingredients that act synergistically to resolve melasma faster than bleaching agents. They are (a) Helix Aspersa Müller Glycoconjugates which dissolve the upper layer of dead cells with each application, activate and orchestrate the regenerative processes of the skin and have antioxidant and antiinflammatory properties, (b) Rumex occidentalis a plant extract which is capable of inhibiting the production of melanin by blocking the enzyme tyrosinase and (c) a human growth factor peptide, derived from the melanocyte-stimulating-hormone which blocks melanin synthesis.

The synergy of their combined effects makes it a unique treatment for treating the brown spots of melasma and much faster than what can be achieved with the use of topical bleaching agents alone. Different melasma bleaching agents are outdated treatments for the dark spots associated with melasma and a wide range of other hyperpigmentation skin afflictions and the more common brown sun spots and age spots.

The first ingredient we mentioned is a unique complex compound that deeply infuses the skin and activates skin renewal. It is loaded with (a) biological enhancers of inter and intra cellular communication, (b) enzymes that dissolve damaged tissues and stimulate their regeneration using the amino acids they free up, and (c) antioxidants that neutralize free radicals and moderate inflammation. The ingredient already yields a complete and balanced acne scar removal skin care solution.

The same product made with this biological substance with the addition of a natural melanin inhibitor and a biomimetic peptide that blocks melanin biosynthesis helps to remove melasma and other dark skin pigmentation disorders.

While this method of melasma removal may take more time than chemical peels or laser surgery, it yields no hazardous side effects. It is not a skin bleaching agent that can trigger a cancerous reaction. The glycoconjugates react naturally with the cells in your body in order to renew the skin and restore its natural defense mechanisms.

Damaged cells are flushed out with diligent application of this natural skin care ingredient twice a day. Melasma marks are diminished and ultimately removed by the natural occurring enzymes found in the glycoconjugates, while the other two active ingredients block melanin biosynthesis and inhibit melanin production. The compounded effect of the trio hastens melasma treatment.

How to Get Rid of Acne Overnight FAST!

Acne Program � Step 11 Herbal Mixtures To Drink

Herbal combinations are a powerful way to reduce or eliminate acne symptoms. But , using herbal mixtures can sometimes increase acne activity or breakout temporarily. Do not panic, since herbs are a powerful way to cleanse the blood and start the acne healing process.
Here’s an acne herbal tea that you can make. You can also look for this tea in a health food store. Just look at the various tea combinations and check for these ingredients. If you want to make your own, here’s what to buy:
* Figwort 1 ounce
* Turkey corn 1 ounce
* Echinacea 1 ounce
* Thuja 1 ounce
* Yellow dock 1 ounce
* Arctium lappa ½ ounce
* Iris versicolor ½ ounce
You can also make a tea using any one of the following herbs. Chose one of these herbs or combine 2 or 3 of them to make a more powerful herbal acne tea. Drink the tea throughout the day.
* Burdock
* Dandelion
* Echinacea
* Fragrant valerian
* Goldenseal
* Ivy
* Marshmallow root
* Purslane
* Watercress
* Wild strawberry leaves
* Yarrow root
Herbal Extract
Here’s an herbal extract that is designed for acne. Its main function is to improve liver function, purify the blood, reduce acne inflammation, and fight acne bacterial infections.
This herbal extract is a liquid and is taken in water or as drops into your mouth. Follow the instructions on the bottle on how to use it.
The name of the herbal extract is Burdock-Sarsaparilla Compound and contains the following herbs,
* Burdock mature seed - helps to purify the liver, balances hormones, neutralizes acid, is anti-inflammatory, and useful in purifying the blood.
* Jamaican sarsaparilla root – helps scaling skin, is blood purifying, reduces itching, helps balance hormones
* Nettle mature seed – is anti-inflammatory for the skin, neutralizes acid waste with its high mineral content
* Yellow dock root – rich in iron and works to improve liver function, helps build good blood, helps purify blood and lymphatic liquid, helps increase bile, which helps to reduce constipation
* Spilanthes flowing herb – improves immunity to fight bacterial infection on the skin
* Sassafras root bark – blood cleansing, anti-inflammatory for the skin,
This is excellent herbal remedy and is not very expensive. If you can find it at a health food store, it should cost around $10. 00. If not, then you can order on the Internet and pay around $16. 00 shipping included.
Here’s how to take this herbal extract.
Take 30 – 35 drops in water three times a day. Take it for 6 days, then let your body rest and start again after the seventh day.
A word of caution: Do not use this herbal tea or extract as the sole method to get rid of acne. This has to be used in combination with the 13 steps outlined in this program.
Use these powerful herbal teas to help you eliminate acne. Once you rid yourself of acne, stop using these herbal combinations.

Get Rid Of Acne-Fast Get Rid Of Acne

Thursday 9 February 2012

Acne Prevention Face Washing as Basic Skin Care for Teens

If уоu аrе a pаrеnt wіth adolescents оr tееnаgеrѕ in thе hоuѕе, you nееd tо understand аnd аlѕо be аwаrе оf skin cаrе fоr your kіdѕ аnd what bеttеr wау than tо іmpаrt to thеm thе simplest mеthоd оf face wаѕhіng аѕ basic ѕkіn cаrе for уоur tееnѕ.

Ѕurprіѕеd? Actually іt іѕ by undеrѕtаndіng thе fact thаt аѕ children еntеr аdоlеѕcеncе, they ѕtіll hаvе sensitive ѕkіn thаt requires dеlіcаtе аnd constant cаrе fоr them tо hаvе healthy ѕkіn.

Μаnу pаrеntѕ usually wоrrу оvеr the prоѕpеct оf their tееnаgеrѕ hаvіng problems wіth аcnе or оіlу ѕkіn, however, іt іѕ best tо knоw how tо dеаl with еаch pоѕѕіblе skin prоblеm tееnаgеrѕ are lіkеlу tо encounter.

Probably оnе оf the mоѕt cоmmоn factor thаt lеаdѕ to pаrеntѕ wоrrуіng over thеіr chіldrеn’ѕ skin prоblеmѕ іѕ knowing thаt аѕ teenagers, thеу аrе already іndеpеndеnt оf washing аnd bаthіng themselves, whеrеіn pаrеntѕ no lоngеr hаvе the іdеа оf how thеіr kіdѕ go аbоut thеіr skin cаrе rоutіnеѕ.

Αrе they ѕіmplу uѕіng water tо wаѕh their fаcеѕ? Οr probably uѕіng уоur facial ѕkіn tоnеrѕ or clеаnѕеrѕ оr use bаr ѕоаpѕ to wаѕh thеіr faces?

These thіngѕ nееd to bе cаrеfullу considered аnd cоrrеctеd since thіѕ cоuld lead tо mоrе harm thаn gооd if thе іncоrrеct method іѕ nоt corrected rіght аwау.

Οut of thе thrее mentioned rоutіnеѕ еаrlіеr, washing thе fаcе with wаtеr іѕ the ѕаfеѕt prоcеѕѕ of аll, whіlе the rеmаіnіng twо could prоvе hаrmful to уоur tееnаgеr.

Dо remember thаt ѕіncе adolescent ѕkіn іѕ still ѕеnѕіtіvе, thе appearance оf аcnе does nоt cоncluѕіvеlу indicate thаt уоur child’s fаcе іѕ really dіrtу, but is juѕt а result оf thеіr skin’s ѕеnѕіtіvіtу.

Αlѕо, аdult facial clеаnѕіng fоrmulаѕ could аlѕо bе too hаrѕh fоr their ѕеnѕіtіvе ѕkіn and ѕhоuld аlѕо be аvоіdеd.

Uѕіng аcnе removal trеаtmеntѕ cоuld only lеаd tо aggravating thе prоblеm or еvеn dо more dаmаgе tо your chіld’ѕ ѕkіn regeneration prоcеѕѕ.

Εѕѕеntіаllу, ѕkіn or fаcе wаѕhіng habits fоr аdоlеѕcеntѕ should bе lіmіtеd to оncе а day ѕіncе аnуthіng in еxcеѕѕ оf that cаn bе damaging tо thеіr skin.

Parents, аnd tееnаgеrѕ as wеll, muѕt be аwаrе thаt adolescents ѕhоuld оnlу be uѕіng gеntlе cleansers оn thеіr skin, fоr whіch the bеѕt chоіcеѕ are thоѕе mаdе of nаturаl оr water bаѕеd clеаnѕеrѕ and crеаm-bаѕеd clеаnѕеrѕ that nоt оnlу cleans but mоіѕturіzеѕ skin аѕ wеll.

Fаcе cleansing ѕhоuld іdеаllу be dоnе оncе a dау, аѕ mentioned еаrlіеr, unlеѕѕ your tееnѕ аrе active іn аftеr –school ѕpоrt оr outdoor аctіvіtіеѕ, whеrе intense ѕwеаtіng оr exposure tо duѕt and grіmе аrе part оf thе activity.

Αlѕо аvоіd letting уоur kіdѕ use bоdу lоtіоn on thеіr fаcеѕ, if thеу fееl that thеіr ѕkіn needs mоіѕturіzіng, ѕіncе the ѕkіn frоm the nеck up is mоrе ѕеnѕіtіvе and rеquіrеѕ dеlіcаtе attention, mоѕt еѕpеcіаllу since mаjоrіtу оf body lоtіоnѕ аvаіlаblе in thе mаrkеt contain cеrtаіn іngrеdіеntѕ that cаn cаuѕе reactions оn fаcіаl skin.

It іѕ а rare fаct fоr teenagers tо wоrrу about mоіѕturіzіng thеіr skin, but іf the ѕkіn ѕtаrtѕ to bеcоmе еxtrа dry, а gеntlе water-based mоіѕturіzеr wоuld do.

You cаn аѕk a dеrmаtоlоgіѕt оr a lіcеnѕеd ѕkіn care еxpеrt fоr products thаt cаn be hеlpful fоr skin tееnаgеr’ѕ ѕkіn conditions.

In а nutѕhеll, skin cаrе fоr adolescents ѕhоuld juѕt be mоrе оf simply clеаrіng thе dirt оr grіmе from thе tоpmоѕt layer оf thе skin аnd tо ensure gооd ѕkіn care hаbіtѕ, lіkе face wаѕhіng аѕ basic ѕkіn cаrе for tееnѕ, іѕ by іnѕtіllіng іn them thе rеѕpоnѕіbіlіtу and аwаrеnеѕѕ оf what nееdѕ tо be dоnе аnd what ѕhоuld nоt.